Ephemeral in a sentence as a noun

But sell it as that, charge me $15 a month for an ephemeral product.

That linkage, as ephemeral as it is, will make them look bad, it will take time to defend it will cost them votes.

Thermal printing is the perfect technology for ephemeral bits of paper like boarding passes and tickets.

The assertions are ephemeral and scoped to your site, so once you verify it, you can set a session cookie and throw away the assertion.

* We've also completely abandoned EBS in favor of ephemeral storage except in two places: some NFS and MySQL slaves that function as snapshot/backup hosts only.

Once you realize that pretty much everything is ephemeral, you worry less about each individual step in your life and are able to focus more on the big picture.

Ephemeral in a sentence as an adjective

Twitter, Facebook et al are going down the same road: many ephemeral eyeballs with no discernible path to the kind of profitability tech sector investors expect.

The difference between success and failure in an early-stage experiment is often small, and often statistical, and is often so ephemeral that you yourself have crises of faith in the results.

Revolutionize the means of production thereby gaining an ephemeral advantage over the competition.

"My guess is that even technically inclined people connect to that more than "OK, so we have cloud-based virtualization technology which spins up ephemeral application containers then hooks them to a proprietary in-browser IDE and shell prompt.

We turn any browser window into a fully-functional dev environment, and it's as ephemeral as the browser window is, so if you close it the company laptop is back in its original state without requiring a sysadmin to wipe it and start over.

Ephemeral definitions


anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form

See also: ephemeron


lasting a very short time; "the ephemeral joys of childhood"; "a passing fancy"; "youth's transient beauty"; "love is transitory but it is eternal"; "fugacious blossoms"

See also: passing short-lived transient transitory fugacious