Grandiosity in a sentence as a noun

Holy cow with the grandiosity of the title I would expect a master 5 year plan about how Pipes will take over the world.

I also don't see hypomanic grandiosity so much as defeat in his posturing, but that's just me.

I'm arguing with the startup world's obsession with the phrase, and the epidemic of grandiosity that infects it.

Self-inflicted, through poor choices, poor preparation... grandiosityHey, that sounds like the reasons we go to war too!

And in terms of clinical diagnoses, grandiosity is a sign of NPD, and NPD is highly correlated with depression.

I read this and think "Hm, ok".I agree that there's an issue with grandiosity, but I'm still unsure if it's a net positive or negative for society.

I will definitely consider your comments on "speech grandiosity"!

I don't think a diagnosis of NPD fits an entire culture where grandiosity is the norm, however, but I do believe it can cause depression and not without good reason.

The latter is the realm of grandiosity bordering on paranoid schizophrenia.

Rules of Clickbait Headlines: never use one specific word where four vague ones, with at least one indicator each of antiquity, exulted discipline, and grandiosity.

The vast majority of crazy stress related to "starting a company" is self-inflicted, through poor choices, poor preparation, and personality issues, like grandiosity.

I wonder if the frat house culture, the opulent office, the drink up debauchery and the "holacracy" may create a delusional sense of grandiosity that permeates from the company level to the employee?

The actual attacks that do occasionally happen are more in line with politically irrelevant rogue lunatics, placing grandiosity over efficacy.

The "Gay Propaganda" bill?The notion that Russia is beholden to Snowden to protect its image is ludicrous, although given the grandiosity of some of Snowden's statements, I do not hesitate to consider that Snowden himself might believe it.

Proper Noun Examples for Grandiosity

Grandiosity can be a sign of personality disorders or, if you ask me, it can be a sign of hanging out with people who exhibit grandiosity, tell you it's what you have to have to achieve what you want, who laud you for having it, and who mysteriously aren't there to help you when you fall on your grandiosity.

Grandiosity definitions


high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation; "the grandiosity of his prose"; "an excessive ornateness of language"

See also: magniloquence ornateness grandiloquence rhetoric