Opulent in a sentence as an adjective

But the west coast has much different cultural norms towards opulent wealth than does the east coast.

The riches and most opulent person out there, will probably still have an iPhone or iPad.

Oprah on her show would take people to her Chicago house which was nice but not opulent in the same way as her other houses.

A special room just for cooking is rather opulent in relation to the level of poverty.

A bunch of cells give up the chain of command and start co-opting resources to feed their opulent lifestyles.

That is, if your office has opulent wooden desks, high-end art, etc., that sends signals along the lines of "conserve the resources we already have.

They ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority.

Yeah, I tried not to be overly judgmental, it is his wedding and his money, but it's pretty common for people to react poorly to opulent displays of personal wealth.

Perhaps I, too, was oversensitive to the subject - though not being a rich white guy with a history of opulent marriages, I don't know what specifically I reacted to.

I wonder if the frat house culture, the opulent office, the drink up debauchery and the "holacracy" may create a delusional sense of grandiosity that permeates from the company level to the employee?

Instagram photos of opulent tech holiday parties have been lambasted, Google buses blockadedIn what universe is a carpooling system that gets dozens of cars off the road and allows each passenger to reclaim ten working hours a week classified as frivolous?

Opulent definitions


rich and superior in quality; "a princely sum"; "gilded dining rooms"

See also: deluxe gilded grand luxurious princely sumptuous