Glide in a sentence as a noun

This lets you hold the mouse button down and "glide around".

It's pitch-black outside and pouring rain and the glide scope is down.

The kind where you just glide along, "turning the crank" not really learning anything for a long, long time.

If they don't they will end up on the wrong side of the inflection point and on a glide ***** to obsolescence.

When I'm letting it glide, I'm unconcerned about things going in the wrong direction and am happy when they do.

The large wingspan minimizes induced drag and lets it glide extremely efficiently, just like the U-2.

Glide in a sentence as a verb

Most people do not get into startups because they are the glide path to AmaGooFaceSoft careers.

It's all about the creaky-voiced long alveolar glide with mid front unrounded vowel and glottal stop.

I'm sure you could make a robotic glider that used the meteorological principles that glider pilots use to move around without engines.

If you rewind the clock one day or one year from the point of separation you probably cannot fundamentally change the glide ***** that results in an exit from the company.

The "Albatross" technique would only be a small part of this - glider pilots have extensively studied techniques for moving around without an engine, and there are lots of them.

"Inside: "Horsepuckey, YC company, cry me more tears about your inability to find tens of thousands of dollars when you're a mortal lock on a seed round and presumably on the glide path to an A.

Glide definitions


a vowellike sound that serves as a consonant

See also: semivowel


the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it; "his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill"; "the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope"

See also: slide coast


the activity of flying a glider

See also: gliding sailplaning soaring sailing


move smoothly and effortlessly


fly in or as if in a glider plane


cause to move or pass silently, smoothly, or imperceptibly