Alveolar in a sentence as a noun

Then ask him to graph alveolar CO2 vs ventilation.

It's all about the creaky-voiced long alveolar glide with mid front unrounded vowel and glottal stop.

They refer to their employees as Yahoo!s, which I guess is supposed to be pronounced with an alveolar click.

It would sound like “itternational” pronounced by an American if an alveolar flap were to be used.

Alveolar in a sentence as an adjective

Actually, according to the link you’ve provided, it seems that’s an alveolar “nasal” flap, which sounds different to American ears from the regular alveolar flap.

Larger particles are deposited in the nasal passages, pharynx, and upper regions of the lungs, while smaller particles are more likely to deposit in the lower, alveolar regions.

His current theory is that pulmonary edema at the capillary-alveolar interface could be causing diffusion issues, which a ventilator would not directly address.

Alveolar definitions


a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge

See also: dental


pertaining to the tiny air sacs of the lungs


pertaining to the sockets of the teeth or that part of the upper jaw; "alveolar processes"