Gliding in a sentence as a noun

This "spurt" finds him six feet behind the gliding enemy, and two miles from his friends.

A gliding airliner will be lucky to make a tenth of that distance.

I always assumed "gliding well" is a fundamental principle of an airplane.

Many military aircraft are designed to not glide well, because gliding well means that a plane is less agile.

I had to learn how to settle down and swim slower, gliding through the water, controlling my breathing, and reaching on every stroke.

To add insult to injury, it's discouraging to see everyone else gliding down the ***** while you're shimmying down on your butt because when you try to stand you lose control, go way too fast, then crash.

I do find it odd that people naturally "get" this for things like driving a car, hang-gliding, back-country skiing, skateboarding, parkour.... but often shut down mentally when the subject is illegal *****.

It took off using its rocket motor, climbed very quickly above the flight level of the bombers it was attacking, then switched the motor off and made one or more attack passes while gliding, before finally gliding in for a landing.

Worth noting:The tags only collect data every four minutes, so its impossible to rule out the chance that they touched down occasionally in between these intervalsbut every single one of the data points collected for more than six months in a row indicated that, at the time, they were either actively flying or at least gliding in the air.

Gliding definitions


the activity of flying a glider

See also: glide sailplaning soaring sailing