Gassy in a sentence as an adjective

" or "Feeling a bit gassy, going to lie down.

I was also bloated and gassy all the time.

"You retain more nutrients by cooking the beans in the soak water, but you also retain the gassy carbohydrates.

For example, look at the spectrum of lactose tolerance: some people do just fine, some people get a little gassy, some people get severely ill.

This includes intense sweating and weirdly enough, gassy-ness.

It's a little bit uncomfortable in the same way that being gassy after a big meal is uncomfortable, but it's less painful than a flu shot.

Some people will simply find they are a little more constipated or gassy the next day if they eat gluten and some will find that they need to urgently visit the restroom 30 minutes after consuming it.

Harold McGee has addressed this [1]:"The main reasons for presoaking beans are to shorten the cooking time substantially, and to leach out the indigestible carbohydrates that make beans gassy.

My general understanding is that it may break down in a gassy way, but is that really so significant that it justifies the energy and opportunity cost involved in sorting and processing it for recycling?

After 25 years in the industry, I know for example that 1000 stcf/bbl represents a gassy oil that will take some effort to stabilise, and 100 stcf/bbl is a relatively dead crude... so inormation about new crudes is useful to me in this form.

Lowering insulin is one thing, the other benefits are major too- stable, predictable bg levels forever; better mood, energy; restriction diets help you notice what exactly might have previously you bloated, gassy, get heartburn, mouth dryness, etc.; yadda yadda.

Gassy definitions


resembling gas


suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal

See also: colicky flatulent