Colicky in a sentence as an adjective

I hated how my first was super colicky and cried 8 hours a day.

First one, if the mum eats anything spicy, it gets passed on through the milk and the kid gets colicky.

Some kids are very colicky and stubborn and do much better with stable environment.

Many babies are fussy, colicky, or otherwise high maintenance.

If a baby—especially after weening—is colicky and looks to be in pain, it might be gassy bloating that it has no idea how to resolve.

" It's a practice I wish would go die in a fire somewhere because babies labeled as "colicky" are routinely allowed to wail for an hour or more while no one makes any effort whatsoever to comfort them.

On the other hand, while a phrase like "my colicky baby" appears less frequently on Google, you're more likely to encounter it in general conversation than you are a specialized word like "mycolic".

Unless they're colicky or sick, very young babies are not hard to keep quiet: if they're crying they're either hungry, tired, under-stimulated, over-stimulated, hot or cold or otherwise uncomfortable.

Did management explain that this was surely the only round of lay-offs, and did people manage to stifle their laughter, or keep from rolling their eyes so hard as to snap their optic nerve?I bet installing a nursery for colicky babies in the now-empty cubicles would have less of an impact on productivity.

Colicky definitions


suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal

See also: flatulent gassy