Fustian in a sentence as a noun

> I don't believe wearable computing will ever really catch on, but I'm old fustian.

I don't believe wearable computing will ever really catch on, but I'm old fustian.

If I say I just listened to 10 minutes of fustian from a politician that means they were filling time far beyond the direct content.

What makes fustian fustian is not just that the language is pompous — it’s that this pomposity is above the dignity of the thoughts or subject.

> Recall that the New Oxford, for the word “fustian,” gives “pompous or pretentious speech or writing.” I said earlier that that wasn’t even really correct.

It’s a lot harder to get the student to explain that fustian is when one tries to punch above the weight class of the idea they’re conveying via flowery prose.

I wonder if the change in the dictionary was driven by a test based approach to learning the language?It’s a nice, quantifiable thing to ask a student to define fustian prose as pompous.

Look at the definition for fustian, Webster's "An inflated style of writing; a kind of writing in which high-sounding words are used, above the dignity of the thoughts or subject" is actually simpler than invoking a term such as 'pretentious'.

In what hierarchy of value or complexity or whatever it is that "simply" indicates a lack of does getting efficiently from A to B rank above a "rite of oneness" with the terrain in between?Furthermore, let's return to Webster's definition of "fustian", which he defines as "a kind of writing in which high-sounding words are used, above the dignity of the thoughts or subject".

Fustian definitions


pompous or pretentious talk or writing

See also: bombast rant claptrap blah


a strong cotton and linen fabric with a slight nap