Friendly in a sentence as a noun

You can find places to live that are nice, friendly to someone older than 25-30, and at least sanely priced.

There is no grace period, there is no "friendly fire"; you ****** up and you disclosed AWS credentials.

But originally MS tried to make the old Windows UI touch friendly, which is a very bad approach.

The developer relations people are very friendly, but when I ask where to report bugs I'm told "just tell me".

" Are some of these laptops not environmentally friendly?

I think if most women in tech sat down with just about any neckbeard I can think of, they would be amazed at how friendly and awesome we are.

Short version: it's one of the most absurdly customer-friendly pieces of legislation in the US, assuming you know how to work it.

I've been harsh on Light Table because the source was nonfree and the promise to "open source" it eventually didn't look promising or community-friendly.

Friendly in a sentence as an adjective

And that's without counting the complete lack of interest in prosecuting bankers and other corporations that are very friendly to the government.

The bold text to help me differentiate is more marketing copy: "environmentally friendly" versus "mobile freedom.

I agree 100%.In addition, a friendly reminder to us all...When you see a Show HN, assume that whoever created it, perhaps not unlike you, is working to drive his or her dreams into existence.

Generally, MLS feeds are similar in structure, but there is no semblance of standardization, API, or developer-friendly solution for accessing it.

I expected a permissive license or an open-core strategy to monetize proprietary components and not be friendly with the free software community, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

Of course, admittedly more so for Curebit - but I can't be the only one who thinks that DHH's cocky attitude, publicly tweeting things like "******* scumbags", is just embarrassing when he is the main face of a friendly and professional company like 37Signals...?

It does everything that we routinely see listed on this very site as Best Practices:- Respond to customer feedback in a friendly and highly transparent manner.- Don't sugarcoat things that "everyone knows but no one admits"; they could have avoided showing the graphic artist photoshopping the burger, but everyone knows that they use photoshop, so why bother?

Friendly definitions


troops belonging to or allied with your own military forces; "friendlies came to their rescue"


characteristic of or befitting a friend; "friendly advice"; "a friendly neighborhood"; "the only friendly person here"; "a friendly host and hostess"


inclined to help or support; not antagonistic or hostile; "a government friendly to our interests"; "an amicable agreement"

See also: favorable well-disposed


easy to understand or use; "user-friendly computers"; "a consumer-friendly policy"; "a reader-friendly novel"


of or belonging to your own country's forces or those of an ally; "in friendly territory"; "he was accidentally killed by friendly fire"