Forking in a sentence as a noun

People talk about forking repos all the time.

I'll be forking the project and using them.

If the W3C is hellbent on forking and fragmenting the web, then lets have it.

Your title has 'developer' in it, you should at least find out what forking really means.

It feels like not too long ago a couple guys lost their job for making a joke about dongles and forking.

In forkingrecipes, the act of forking is when you give someone else's recipe your own touch.

It sounds like if I'd said something about the forking you would have denied it having a sexual association.

How exactly are forking and dongle innuendos offensive to women?

While I did make a big dongle joke about a fictional piece hardware that identified as male, no sexual jokes were made about forking.

The guy who was fired claimed there was no sexual innuendo in the forking comment, and that it was applied by Adria in her telling of the incident.

Is this not dripping with innuendo?Would it have been acceptable if the jokes about forking and dongles had been issued via tweets, rather than aloud?

"A few guys making idiotic jokes amongst themselves about forking and dongle size is now considered harassment?

Furthermore, the above PasteBin alleges the forking innuendo was pure fabrication in an attempt to paint Adria as a liar; the full story right from the source is found here[3].The narrative being pushed is the same old feminism-has-gone-too-far **** where we live in a world in which men are terrorized by women who have the power to destroy lives with the snap of their fingers.

Forking definitions


the place where something divides into branches

See also: furcation


the act of branching out or dividing into branches

See also: branching ramification fork