9 example sentences using flummox.
Flummox used in a sentence
Flummox in a sentence as a verb
I know what it means in mathematics, but the explanation in flummox site does not compute for me.
By the way the way to flummox expense account driven salespeople is to always buy them lunch when they come to pitch to you. Messes with their reciprocity training.
Like they might barely be able to write a inner join among 3 tables; left/right joins flummox them entirely. This is by no means universal, but I've encountered it several times in the last year, enough to be a trend in my mind.
Put a pure math and CS guy in the room together and I'm sure either could flummox the other with arcane jargon/an exercise. We choose what to do in college based on our interests at that time rather than only basic ability.
In the course of a few weeks, I've experimented with react + coffeescript, react + typescript and settled on react + jsx + flummox + react-router in es6. I've finally come to the realization that I need to read the code for all of these to have some sense of what is actually happening.
Just pure react is great for tiny things, but for large applications you should use React with Flux architecture with alt or flummox or reflux or whatever you like, it simplifies things in the long run. Of course you would need to do things like ajax or routing, for which there are endless libraries, or you can just go pure XHR. React-Router is terrific for routing.
Perhaps it's part of Steve Jobs' strategy to make everything seem so effortless and inspired, as a way to frustrate and flummox his competitors when inspiration inevitably fails to strike them on cue.
All the awkwardness surrounding the SDK's actual release for example, the neverending, absurdly restrictive NDA that seemed to flummox Apple's own community reps really did feel like a rush job. I find it a little weird to think that Apple didn't intend to release the Cocoa Touch SDK after touting it so highly, but it did kind of feel that way.
I have very little difficulty believing that Google offers $280k salary packages routinely and that $8 million has been offered in GSUs to at least one engineer, but that being a routine enough offer to flummox a recruiter strikes me as unlikely. Anybody at AmaGooFaceSoft want to provide a little color commentary here?