Fluffy in a sentence as an adjective

It was light, fluffy, with a novel, to me, storyline.

As a programmer, I thought they were way too artsy and "fluffy" for my tastes.

They extract double the work from you working nights in exchange for fluffy promises.

There is always a nice fluffy propaganda label slapped on top.

" The first line of his talk is a bit fluffy, but I don't see anything else here that isn't objectively true.

Let's all pat ourselves on the back with a fluffy blog post about how jolly wonderful we are.

Maybe alien unicorns have descended and made everything fluffy and nice since I looked last.

The problem is that it is fluffy, and self-congratulatory: it just pats us on the back and says, what we do in our spare time is the future.

I thought I was attending to get my Python on and discovered the warm fluffy side of a beautiful community.

Am I the only one that feels Ryan's blog is mostly hacker news link bait, every article is pretty fluffy stuff that gets a lot of upvotes.

Maestro's funding is a feeble thing compared to the gargantuan Microsoft Office programming platform: it's a fluffy rabbit versus a T-Rex.

In real life, when people I have discussions with consistently detract from the value, they get left out to some extent, or if I'm in a group where fluffy comments are prioritized, I leave, and eat lunch with other people.

"Id write lengthy fluffy articles that, even though they didn't say anything interesting, they used the word SEO a lot and made SEO people feel special somehow so that it got linked from other sites that SEO people visit.

It's also important to grapple with the psychological factors that hijack your executive function in the first place, but if a few minutes of fluffy reading can do the trick for right now, there's no reason to say no to it.

This is going to sound a little fluffy but it is absolutely true: one of the first steps is to stop saying "I am not a good public speaker" and start saying "Some of the speeches I have delivered have had a lot of umms in them", because that identifies a specific issue which can be fixed by an identifiable behavioral change, rather than solidifying an identity around features of past speeches you may have made.

Fluffy definitions


like down or as soft as down

See also: downy downlike flossy