Flirtation in a sentence as a noun

* There are appropriate times and places for flirtation.

Took me right back to my abortive flirtation with EE as an undergrad.

Sheesh, if I'm pouring a few years of my life into creating a product, I hope it's more than an elaborate flirtation to get hired at Google with a signing bonus!

In fact, the non- verbal element body-language, tone of voice, etc. is much more important, particularly in the initial stages of a flirtation.

The alternative to this what I can only describe as "intellectual flirtation".Example: Today I happened to have some free time and I wandered into my favorite bookstore.

It manifests in little ways, cat-calling, aggressive or unwanted flirtation, maybe a creepy controlling coworker suddenly confessing his love?

I have no idea what stage your concept is at, but from my brief flirtation with building a social networking concept, I would urge you to consider the following if you haven't already:What problem does this solve?

True story: A couple of weeks after I proposed, my fiance told me that the best thing about being engaged was that she could politely ward off workplace flirtation just by holding up her hand and saying something to the effect of, "Sorry, wearing a ring.

When I was in grade school, I tried gymnastics, figure skating, soccer, basketball, violin, clarinet, viola, guitar, math team, Magic: the Gathering, Starcraft, a brief flirtation with policy debate, and probably several hobbies I can't remember now.

Flirtation definitions


playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest

See also: flirt flirting coquetry dalliance toying