Dalliance in a sentence as a noun

Vis-à-vis Wall Street's dalliance with the left coast: this is what you get for dating crazy.

It's the main reason I steered clear of JS and web tech as much as I could, with a small dalliance to Echo2 in 2007.

I do regret somewhat my dalliance with FP over the last decade though.

I use ^K all the time, but somehow I didn't remember ^Y from my dalliance with Emacs a decade ago.

Each new dalliance I put on the cover of Wired is now savaged for it's idiocy by domain experts before it even appears on newsstands!

Someone will be along shortly to tell us all that Palantir would rather everybody just forget about their dalliance there.

Interviewing is a socially acceptable form of romantic dalliance.

Right, this addendum is my dalliance, it's for my pleasure and indulgence—and has nothing to do with the article in the above link or about Mozart being a filthy little bastard—so what, most males are filthy-minded bastards anyway!

Might I suggest that an occasional dalliance in "time-wasting" articles might prove refreshing, and further that it could help ferret out ideas that would otherwise be overlooked?edit: Modified for civility.

I remember that the brief dalliance with individually decorated tailfins - which doubtless seemed like a great idea in a marketing meeting - caused carnage for the maintenance folks because the fins suddenly stopped being interchangeable.

Exactly what is Palantir --- specifically Palantir, not nutball HBGaryFederal head Aaron Barr --- accused of doing unlawfully or unethically in this "dalliance"?

The same stood out to me. Perhaps to the overburdeningly belaboured English aristocracy, who are of course dynastically engaged in ineffectually flippant finger-twiddling, promoting any potential dalliance of discourse toward a careful coffee from the everpresent 'English' tea is their way of implying the ... goodness!

Rather I was genuinely surprised to learn that it wasn't open source, perhaps because so many of the top editors are, because of its persistent popularity in these circles and its dalliance with open solutions, and because I would expect someone starting a new high-end text editor today to want to put the project on solid long-term footing, which to me implies open and community involvement.

Dalliance definitions


the deliberate act of delaying and playing instead of working

See also: dawdling trifling


playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest

See also: flirt flirting flirtation coquetry toying