Filling in a sentence as a noun

So far you've hired 9 people at 100k and are working on filling that last slot.

There were several cases where I'd finished filling out the form, but couldn't change the CVV.

In the meantime the warehouse was filling-up with components we had to pay for.

I hate filling it up with gas, which is expensive, smelly, and bad for the environment.

It's enriching you only by taking away from others, and at the expense of filling the world with ****.

They are listing aggregators, essentially filling the same role as MLS software.

From the codes that were released I could figure out the majority of the letters: A was 65, E was 69 etc so I went through filling those out.

It's amazing how much of a psychological motivator a bar filling up is.

The only "bureaucratic mistake" here is an agent filling out a form improperly in a way that victimized someone.

The fans are filling a gap here which, speaking personally, I'm extremely grateful for and incredulous that film companies don't provide themselves.

Which usually involves filling out some more forms, submitting the application, and watching a boring video telling you what the compartment is all about.

There is no deep parsing - the model does simple keyword matching and slot filling, and it turns out that with some clever engineering, this is enough to make a very compelling system.

Drawing all the little balls and filling in the halfmoon C, up and down thingies seems tedious, when traditionally one writes a simple dot or a little slash instead of the note head.

I know that people who go blind later in life continue to dream in color since they have the memory of color to reference while I do not. I wonder if someone who goes blind later in life experiences things differently, possibly by automatically filling in what they assume they would see based on what they know of there surroundings from there other sences.

What annoys me is all the forms clearly state the IRS has also been sent this information; I'm literally filling out forms in a slow, error-prone way just so the IRS can run a simple == check to make sure I entered them in correctly.

Filling definitions


any material that fills a space or container; "there was not enough fill for the trench"

See also: fill


flow into something (as a container)


a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.


the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving

See also: woof weft pick


(dentistry) a dental appliance consisting of any of various substances (as metal or plastic) inserted into a prepared cavity in a tooth; "when he yawned I could see the gold fillings in his teeth"; "an informal British term for `filling' is `stopping'"


the act of filling something