Fantasise in a sentence as a verb

And it was amazing to see lots of female secretly fantasise about Gay Man.

Let's not fantasise that every legal action is normal.

Being successful is not a crime or morally wrong as much as the likes of sanders/corbyn like to fantasise that it is.

I fantasise about sending a philosophy buff back in time to ancient Rome and setting them loose in the Greek schools.

It seems obvious to me that people who want to be violent are more likely to both fantasise about it and commit it.

" Nobody is saying to me "I bought it because I fantasise that one day I'll run a recording studio from it.

I fantasise about a fictional point in time when I pump myself full of nanotech, and transition to post-human.

I like to fantasise about invite-only internet ‘shards’ off the main internet.

Sometimes I fantasise about what would've happened if MS had decided, by some fluke, to push, say, OCaml as their big .Net initiative.

I often fantasise about leaving tech altogether, I feel like I’m slowly losing the mental energy needed to keep going day by day.

My memories aren't really pictorial though; so I guess I can fantasise about being in a situation in the same way as I can recall being in one.

Political vetoing is integral to the idea of open standards created through consensus and it isn't going to go away no matter how much people fantasise about it.

I think it's too easy to sit there to theory-craft/fantasise/make excuses in your head all-day long; so try writing them down while taking care to organise them, and be honest to yourself, as best as you can.

Which is why sometimes I fantasise about a high-level language that allows for manual memory management, as things would be so much easier ... although I'm rooting more for Mozilla's Rust, than I am for D.

Why is it so important to fantasise imaginary scenarios about your idol-of-hate rather than conjure up effective means by which things can improve in society?Derangement syndrome is a reality.

It's just slightly insane to think you can opt-out of paying taxes via technology, or that taxes are somehow for the benefit of some nebulous "establishment".That's empirically true, for only a tiny sliver of very strange people still fantasise about some Randian utopia of every-man-for-himself.

Fantasise definitions


indulge in fantasies; "he is fantasizing when he says he plans to start his own company"

See also: fantasy fantasize


portray in the mind; "he is fantasizing the ideal wife"

See also: fantasize