Eyeshot in a sentence as a noun

If you wanted to own the view, you'd have to own all the land in eyeshot.

Within any given area there is probably 6 to 7 stores within eyeshot and an easy walk.

They're only concerned with telling you and everyone in earshot/eyeshot how great they think themselves to be.

There are corners and blocks of downtown Manhattan where there are multiple pharmacies, Starbucks, Chase banks etc all within eyeshot.

On chrome I cannot use the scrollbar by scrolling whilst the youtube is in eyeshot, but I can use the scrollbar by clicking above/below the slider.

It's still nothing compared to the density of conibinis in Tokyo, sometimes there's 2 of the same chain within eyeshot.

You can do it, technically, but you have to prove that there is literally no chance that any minor could possibly have been within eyeshot of the scene at the time it was filmed, and the burden of proof for this is so high that it's impossible to satisfy.

I've gotten any number of sidelong looks and smartassed comments from people who seem to find it a trespass upon their persons that I happen to be smoking within their eyeshot, and I can't say it has made me any more inclined to quit than the perceptible effects of maintaining the habit already do.

So the built-in two-car garages will see heavy use, because the eventual inhabitants of these eyesores will drive everywhere, and one more piece of land that's been de facto commons for decades will belong to people who contribute nothing to the communities they parasitize, but for example think nothing of installing ultra-bright motion-sensing lights, at what for everyone else in eyeshot is bedroom-window level, because they harbor an unreasoning and unreasonable fear of their surroundings.

A movie theater is a completely different environment than your living roomThis is true - my living room doesn't have somebody eating out of a loudly crackling popcorn bag, people talking to each other a few seats away, a dude behind me who accidentally dunts the seat every now and then when he crosses and uncrosses his legs, a dim slightly out-of-focus picture with the top chopped off because the projector hasn't been set up properly, or a woman updating facebook on her smartphone in my eyeshot every few minutes+.Truly magical.+okay, admittedly that's a distillation of annoying Cinema ****.

Eyeshot definitions


the range of the eye; "they were soon out of view"

See also: view