Extraordinary in a sentence as an adjective

Steve's most extraordinary work isn't the Mac, the iPhone or the iPad.

I don't believe it, because I don't think there is sufficient evidence to back up that extraordinary claim.

The interview he's talking about [1] was posted here [2] and it really is extraordinary.

The Court will not hear cases merely because they might have been wrongly decided unless some such extraordinary factor exists.

This kid is genuinely excited and interested which, is extraordinary.

I haven't noticed any extraordinary synonym replacements myself, though, the stem's always been the same...I hope their search quality improves.

Nobody else is responsible for that extraordinary action.

Otherwise, every party trying to defend itself will find itself, as Newegg did, having to go to extraordinary efforts at massive expense to avoid claims of infringement.

This opinion is both extraordinary and extremely significant.

Stopped reading after> Preface: As a white, heterosexual, cis, male, Im granted, from birth, an extraordinary amount of privilegeI wasn't actually aware people outside of the Tumblrverse said things like that.

Hard work, even lousy forms of work, can be precisely the sort of thing that allows you to develop into someone who has the talent and character to be able to do the extraordinary things you might love.

If you've never watched the retrospectively-named "Mother of All Demos", it's an extraordinary document of current-day technology that was somehow done in 1968.

"Naturally the disservice done students and gullible investment professionals who have swallowed EMT has been an extraordinary service to us and other followers of Graham.

It is heated and filtered and pollen-free, removing the extraordinary health benefits of honey, cut eith corn syrup, beet syrup or other sweeteners, and laced with pesticides and anti-biotics.

This part is a big WTF: "After the telecom challenged the NSL, the Justice Department took its own extraordinary measure and sued the company, arguing in court documents that the company was violating the law by challenging its authority.

"Speaking of special privileges, the extraordinary differential between the 15% tax rate that capitalists pay on carried interest, dividends, and capital gains, and the 35% top marginal rate on work that ordinary Americans pay, is kind of hard to justify without a touch of deification.

Truglia got so fed up with the politicised statistics coming out of Canada, which he felt were calling his own research into question, that he took the extraordinary step of issuing a special commentary clarifying that Canadas spending was not out of control, and he even aimed some veiled shots at the dodgy math practiced by right-wing think tanks.

Extraordinary definitions


beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable; "extraordinary authority"; "an extraordinary achievement"; "her extraordinary beauty"; "enjoyed extraordinary popularity"; "an extraordinary capacity for work"; "an extraordinary session of the legislature"


far more than usual or expected; "an extraordinary desire for approval"; "it was an over-the-top experience"

See also: over-the-top sinful


(of an official) serving an unusual or special function in addition to those of the regular officials; "an ambassador extraordinary"