Expire in a sentence as a verb

Obviously people are dying all the time, and some will indeed expire while twitter is down].

I'd argue for all copyrights to expire at 20 years after publication.

Does it suggest anything about you?I wish I felt something for the people we expired in my first fire fight.

I have a ladder of 10 year, 20 year and 30 year policies that expire as I get older and need less life insurance.

Well 2 more weeks went by, and finally the job offer at the new company was going to expire, so I had no choice but to take it.

If you listen closely enough you realize that you turbulently expire a lot of air after the c in cam but dont do so in scam.

I expect this penalty to expire eventually, but let this be a lesson to anyone else thinking about doing the same.

In particular, the "feature" where "More" links and such randomly expire after a while just screams "shoddy implementation" to me.

Yeah, it's great that you want to turn this biz into a billion dollar company but when that horizon is after the options expire it means the options are worthless.

In order to achieve success in the objective that brought me to the patch of earth I meet my adversary, I must first know that one of use will expire- the one that is least present.

Making software not-backwards compatible is fine and normal but if files expire in a few years Apple is saying that the things you do on their computers are disposable.

To help our customers we decided that it was a good idea to take a temporary snapshot of the droplet after the destroy was issued that would automatically expire.

That means we need our laws to expire periodically, so that we keep debating whether or not they make sense, and that means we need to not just pass laws every time someone happens that we do not like.

If patents never expired, we would have only one car company, and the cars they develop would likely not be readily available and affordable to so many people all over the world.

Further, even if the comment period did not expire, there is no comment notification system on HN, making it very difficult to keep up with older threads that get new commentsThe other points are however equally valid - reposting occasionally is fine.

I don't care about the rivalry between two companies producing similar products... but this line really hit me hard:> Ideas are limitless and patents expire for a reason: to encourage competition, innovation, and the evolution of new ideas that ultimately benefit the end user.

* people who previously had no interest in ML became interested* people have gained experience and insight which gives a new light to the video, perhaps having new things to say.* the ability to comment on the older posts has been removedThe last one is probably the best argument against redundancy haters: HN expires the ability to comment on links after a time.

It contrasts this with i2z Technology, LLC, - a Marshall, Texas shell entity run by a Silicon Valley lawyer - that invented nothing through its own efforts, that took an assignment of a soon-to-expire 1992 patent in July, 2011, that sued a score of mostly-large companies in the fall of 2011 for allegedly infringing that patent, and that made a letter demand on Hipmunk to take a license from it or be immediately sued.

Expire definitions


lose validity; "My passports expired last month"


pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"

See also: decease perish exit pass conk


expel air; "Exhale when you lift the weight"

See also: exhale