Experience in a sentence as a noun

It's great that Gmail is trying to innovate and improve the email experience.

Sure, it's easier on the eyes, but it's a much worse design, in that it makes the user experience worse.

If you fail to do that, you have learned absolutely nothing from my experience in the past 22 years.

Amazon was, by far, the worst employment experience I've ever had.

Reminds me, I should write my own story of how I made $190 on the App Store while exercising 15 years of coding experience.

It got to the point where we, as well as others who experienced better treatment, discussed it and concluded you were just racist.

All of partner A's vaunted experience and extensive media contacts in the industry proved for naught in the end.

It's rare that you can find candid descriptions of what it's like to work somewhere.... since Steve felt free to be candid, I figured I'd share my experiences.

Experience in a sentence as a verb

People really just don't seem to understand that experiences with social media are specific to the individual.

No one is going to "fall in love" with your app if your app shouldn't exist in the first place because the old-school solution provided a superior experience.

Ill just quickly recount one experience that perfectly illustrates my overall experience with you.

He's experienced, very much down to business, he cuts through the **** and through technical fads, and currently ensures that we're building the most lean and simple backend that I've ever seen.

We don't like having to decline hundreds of dollars of revenue either, but we have the experience of losing hundreds of millions to fraud and know that some revenue just isn't worth the risk.

I grew to avoid movies labeled with the Starz logo, and my heart would sink when a feature would open with one, because I knew the experience was fleeting and I wouldn't be able to enjoy the content later.

Ask them about their experiences, their frustrations, their decisions behind purchasing specific equipment and downloading particular apps.

Experience definitions


the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities; "a man of experience"; "experience is the best teacher"


the content of direct observation or participation in an event; "he had a religious experience"; "he recalled the experience vividly"


an event as apprehended; "a surprising experience"; "that painful experience certainly got our attention"


go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam"


have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations; "I know the feeling!"; "have you ever known hunger?"; "I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict"; "The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"; "I lived through two divorces"

See also: know live


go through (mental or physical states or experiences); "get an idea"; "experience vertigo"; "get nauseous"; "receive injuries"; "have a feeling"

See also: receive have


undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind; "She felt resentful"; "He felt regret"

See also: feel


undergo; "The stocks had a fast run-up"

See also: have