Expedient in a sentence as a noun

That was expedient when the initial reactors were being brought online and now is a regulatory pain in the butt.

We live in a politically correct world, and employers will do the wrong thing in order to save face because it's more expedient.

My post was about values, about what kind of a world we can be building, not about which tactics are expedient in the world we currently live in.

A budget expedient from the 1970s is forcing technical workarounds well into the 21st century.

In 2007 he found it politically expedient to oppose Bush's surveillance programs.

Still a valuable thing to have exist, but I do not relish the moment when it occurs to me that an SO question might be the most expedient solution.

Hiring contractors because the team isn't able to accomplish its tasks in a timely fashion is disastrous in the long run. What happens is that the contractors will write code in the most expedient fashion possible, without care for the long term harm to the code base.

Further, in those minutes at the beginning of a flight if you are fooling around with your phone/kindle/etc and blocking the isle, you delay expedient loading and unloading of the aircraft.

What this does is block supportWhat it does is make you happy, at the expense of some nice, non-binding rhetoric that Obama will happily violate as soon as he finds it expedient.

Expedient in a sentence as an adjective

It is the politically expedient answer in the face of economic downturns, when already-stretched state social programs are tasked further still.

Kafka's "Trial" was a nightmare for the accused, but think how convenient it is for the authorities to not publicize charges or sentencing and to do everything on their most expedient schedule.

I've recently made the unintentional discovery that this and many other problems of modern life, self-improvement, and so on can be obviated by the simple expedient of getting a dog.

People with the same values can get together to discuss what tactics to use to advance their goals, but it's no use in suggesting to me that I should use a tactic that advances goals I oppose because that tactic is more expedient!

The US reign death from above via remote controlled drones and this isn't contested, yet thinking that very suspicious deaths at expedient times are likely assassinations is some crazy conspiracy theory...

Just as my grandparents were free to use German or Norwegian to communicate throughout their long lifetimes, let today's children speak however they like in their private lives, but let's meanwhile provide all learners the opportunity to learn the speech patterns that are most expedient to adopt here.

I agree with everyone here who says it's the decent thing to do, and can even in some cases be the expedient thing to do, to answer a job application with a definite result in a polite tone, but all companies have higher priorities, and at least one of those priorities is decently answering actual paying customers.

So because of an overly-broad warrant, or lack of training, or vague suspicions or even the mere chance that your data happened to be stored on the same box as Criminal A, we should just allow the FBI to violate the Constitution?Reductio ad absurdum with your argument and we should just let the FBI run all internet infrastructure, because it is expedient for the FBI, it makes life easier on the FBI, and they can inspect your data to their heart's content.

Expedient definitions


a means to an end; not necessarily a principled or ethical one


serving to promote your interest; "was merciful only when mercy was expedient"


appropriate to a purpose; practical; "in the circumstances it was expedient to express loyalty"