Expanse in a sentence as a noun

It's a beautiful expanse of asphalt they're laying down.

Effectively, firms can be seen as oases of planning and command within the vast expanse of the market.

As a British person, I can't help but worry about how they're going to make a 200 acre expanse of Detroit safe enough to play this game.

If you hop on a train for 30 minutes, you hit Tamagawa, a breathtaking open expanse of river and low brush.

The feeling of walking from a confined narrow space into a wide open expanse can give a feeling of exhiliration.

Was Columbus 100% sure his mission would be profitable?What if Columbus waited another 100 years for a safer option to cross the mysterious expanse?

Unless of course Facebook figures out a useful and effective way to provide the same focused view of a niche community within the larger Facebook expanse.

They're too frail to drive, and walking the massive block to the huge nearby intersection, and then walking across the vast expanse of asphalt to the nearby Lucky's is basically impossible.

And I don't see walled apps overtaking the expanse of the internet - there is just too much content and experience only found surfing old crummy html documents you won't get on your walled garden facebook app experience.

As I lie in bed looking up into the darkness, a boundless expanse of tens of millions of miles of absolutely nothing lies between me, and a small man made robot with the martian wind gusting and whistling gently over it.

A big part of the reason why "play dates" have to be arranged is because in these vast tracts of suburban expanse, children substantially rely on being driven to "activities" by their parents in order to do anything outside the house at all, immediate neighbours notwithstanding.

Leave it to NBC News to cover the NSA's BS stance, as well as the the programs legality issue, yet completely zone out about the programs effectiveness, expense, expanse, or actually question the NSA chief's statement, 'it is impossible to listen to phone calls, and read all emails due to their shear number'.

Who knows, you may learn one thing or two - like the basic principle of refusing to live at the expanse of someone - and to let no one live at one's expanse in return.> Laws dont exist merely to frustrate the business ambitions of coastal hipsters: They also exist to protect the more vulnerable members of societyNo.

> senior voters and their healtcare - paid for by the majority, but since seniors vote more, they favour the candidate serving their interest - at the expanse of the majorityIt's difficult to see how this is at the expense of the majority since it's not exclusive: the majority will eventually become members of the beneficial group.

Expanse definitions


a wide scope; "the sweep of the plains"

See also: sweep


the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary; "the area of a rectangle"; "it was about 500 square feet in area"

See also: area


a wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky