Evitable in a sentence as an adjective

If not, then how do you plan for an evitable brick falling on your head ?

I wouldn't say that's off the table entirely, but it's looking a lot more evitable.

I was frustrated but I thought ‘well it’s only in evitable that he will go to jail eventually’.

I see how breaking the cap might not be totally inevitable but it doesn't seem very evitable either.

It would look more like an evitable human progression to the voter base instead of sneaking socialism.

The EV is still "evitable" while it's dependent on subsidy and favourable tax treatment, unfortunately.

They'd be a lot more evitable if education had not rested on its laurels for so long and simply spent, spent, spent its social capital to suck in ever-more money, but that is what they chose, and that is where we are now.

Evitable definitions


capable of being avoided or warded off

See also: avoidable avertible avertable