Avoidable in a sentence as an adjective

This is true for most sites, though those were easily avoidable. Banks and the like, not so much.

I don't know if that's avoidable. Truthfully, the people who I've hired who work with my inbox I trust deeply.

And it was so easily avoidable here. ~~~ Of course people can't use computers.

Get yourself into avoidable situations that you have to try to talk your way out of at your own peril.

] avoidable by users who have 2 eyes and can read." Your faith in humanity amazes me.

I think we are all clear that if library users carefully read the documentation, this is an avoidable flaw. I'm not sure what that has to do with my point.

> The United States was last, in 19th place, with the highest rate of avoidable deaths. Alas, a negligible price to pay for Freedomâ„¢.

Realizing that the system having "parasites" is not avoidable and is not a moral failing is huge.

It's annoying, and mostly avoidable. There are several basic types which have literal syntax, or functions which create those types.

The patent would seem to avoidable if say using AES instead. Caution: I don't know what I am talking about and just looked the above up on wikipedia, which I probably misunderstood.

And it was so easily avoidable here. There are many sentences in this article indicating that this is not an isolated, unique reaction from the poster.

This was a simple mistake that was completely avoidable by users who have 2 eyes and can read. Like I said it shouldn't have been there in the first place but lots not act like you accidentally clicked on a video that has all the correct warning of it's content."

Even if the streaming providers win the telecoms will just jack up the prices on their bandwidth when net neutrality is killed completely, which I don't think is an avoidable situation at this point.

There is, as I have mentioned in the past, no fancy Latin term for the fallacy of "giving known liars the benefit of the doubt", but it is in my view a much greater source of avoidable error in the world."

It sounds radical, but the activity is easily avoidable, seriously diminishes your focus and can have horrible consequences.

They examined avoidable mortality — that is, deaths whose risk of occurrence would be far lower if the population had access to appropriate health care interventions. In that study, based on data for the year 2000, France was also ranked No. 1, with the lowest rate of avoidable deaths. The United States was last, in 19th place, with the highest rate of avoidable deaths.

This is an exact example of someone not understanding context, not using tools available to understand context, and then projecting their thoughts and beliefs onto someone else, all while completely avoidable. If you have the means to read the comment on the internet, you also have the means to search that phrase or set of words and immediately see it's connected to a Pink Floyd song.

Kwai is one of a zillion war movies produced more than 40 years ago; unlike the bridge, that movie will forever endure, but so many of its contemporaries will disappear -- a fate entirely avoidable in this age of long-tail hyper-specialized scholarly studies, unlimited data capacity and worldwide p2p redundancy. Art will be lost because of unbridled greed, and this is the real tragedy.

Every time I read about one of these avoidable breaches, I feel tempted to gin up a class action lawsuit and force a company to either write a painfully large check to acknowledge the time and trouble it has imposed on its customers - say, about $5 each - or sell itself to its users in lieu of money. I'm not actually going to go to that effort, but sooner or later some enterprising law firm will, and I'm sure everyone here is going to be all hand-wringy about it.

Furthermore, NSF fees are easily avoidable by depositing funds the same day - why Jason did an electronic transfer is beyond me. Based on Jason's ignorance of his own responsibilities, his refusal to keep money available to handle chargebacks, his empty and immature threats to "go to the press" among other things, and his general disregard for his role in the business relationship, I would expect Square probably wants to terminate his account, but will decide against that as it would be more bad PR than it's worth.

Avoidable definitions


capable of being avoided or warded off

See also: evitable avertible avertable