Maxilla in a sentence as a noun

I forgot to point out that this is tongue in cheek, lingua in maxillam as it were...

Exerting pressure on your palate with your tongue, which stimulates growth in the jaw and acts on the maxilla, shifting it forward and up over time.

Your occlusion/teeth position is not arbitrary and it impacts other parts of the system like the maxilla, the mandible, and even your tongue.

Thus far, I have to say that I think there's some truth to exerting a little pressure to my maxilla/mandible, and if anything I can breathe much better, which for me is a bigger win than getting straighter teeth.

This led to a tongue thurst that resulted in a prominent mouth and a maxilla that was down and back relative to where it would otherwise rest given tongue pressure - I presented with a mild version of long face syndrome.

Facial traits that demonstrate high testosterone pre-natally and during adolescence: high-set cheekbones, a chiseled jawline, a proeminent chin, forward growth of the maxilla, positive or neutral canthal tilt, having a full head of hear and not being bald 3.

Maxilla definitions


the jaw in vertebrates that is fused to the cranium

See also: maxillary