Evaporate in a sentence as a verb

In fact the whole point of you buying that swanky apartment will evaporate overnight without service workers.

Everything else is marketing ******** which will evaporate once that first official demand for your data arrives.

It's sad to see that vision evaporate, along with some of the novel telephony and interactive features that made WebOS a joy to work with.

More legitimized drug trade will not only lower cost and increase quality, but would make Cartels seek other forms as their profit margins evaporate.

If a generation of the army would go without seeing combat actions, the technical abilities of this army would quickly evaporate.

Who would want to do business under those conditions?The fact of the matter is that AdWords/AdSense generated revenue could evaporate overnight and with no recourse whatsoever.

This structure is very delicate, and if you attempt to evaporate the water out near room temperature/pressure, the capillary action of water will collapse the structure like a dried out jellyfish.

Looking at the comments I'm amazed at how quickly the sense of entitlement sets in. Netflix cut the cost and hassle of entertainment by 80-90% over what was traditionally available from rental stores and cable subscriptions a few years ago. Big content is seeing their profits evaporate and playing hard-ball with Netflix, and all you get is whining from customers about paying $15/month.

The fabric of society would instantly evaporate, every marriage, friendship and business partnership dissolved.

Evaporate definitions


lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue; "evaporate milk"

See also: vaporize vaporise


cause to change into a vapor; "The chemist evaporated the water"

See also: vaporise


change into a vapor; "The water evaporated in front of our eyes"

See also: vaporise


become less intense and fade away gradually; "her resistance melted under his charm"; "her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance"

See also: melt disappear