Disappear in a sentence as a verb

They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear.

Do you think 14 years later is a safe time to admit it was you who causes the donuts to disappear?

To do so, either Romney has to all but disappear as a candidate or he has to do extremely well in the upcoming primaries.

But when your problem is more or less one-of-a-kind, these productivity boosts either disappear or don't matter.

No one knew about his visit, when media reached there his private security somehow managed to make him disappear.

If so, then Posterous's users were duped from the get go into using something that the founders knew wasn't sustainable and would eventually disappear.

"The developers said the phenomenon was caused by 'the current elevation of the sun in the sky', and that as Britain heads into autumn the problem should disappear.

I never liked the fact that their schizophrenic content releases would appear during a timed window, only to disappear from my list later before I actually got a chance to watch it.

This isn't really a recommended setup as entire regions will disappear if you lose a single instance, BUT I said I would list possibilities in order of price, so there you go.

In general, though, it's very hard to get the DB to disappear, as there is a constellation of features important to data integrity that you need one way or another.

With a bit of work and ingenuity, during certain decades, you could have made your whole neighbor's family disappear into Siberia practically overnight.

They got almost daily phone calls from Yelp marketing types essentially suggesting that if they renewed their subscription, the negative reviews would 'disappear'.This was a few years ago, so maybe things have changed since then.

Disappear definitions


get lost, as without warning or explanation; "He disappeared without a trace"

See also: vanish


become invisible or unnoticeable; "The effect vanished when day broke"

See also: vanish


cease to exist; "An entire civilization vanished"

See also: vanish


become less intense and fade away gradually; "her resistance melted under his charm"; "her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance"

See also: melt evaporate