Eulogy in a sentence as a noun

Is this some kind of twisted eulogy for LucasArts?

Wish this would have read less like a eulogy and more like suggestions for potential fixes.

Is your eulogy "he was an ingrate jerk who didn't appreciate how lucky he was?

[Though I don't think Jobs would ever publicly emit something like Stallman's "eulogy".

No one is going to write you a beautiful eulogy if you collapse at work because you were so loyal to your paymasters.

This is a really beautiful piece of writing; its quite a gift that Mona Simpson would deign to share such a personal eulogy with the world.

His eulogy at Aaron's funeral was utterly heartbreaking.

[1] Given the calibre, and number, of speakers at Aaron Swartz's public eulogy who made some very pointed comments about the political dimensions of the case beyond their praise for Aaron's life I imagine there is potential for the issue to affect donations.

Eulogy definitions


a formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently

See also: eulogium


a formal expression of praise

See also: encomium panegyric paean pean