Encomium in a sentence as a noun

But, the specific components of your encomium do not recommend you.

Or the American politician's encomium of choice, "working families.

More often than not, these acquisitions are intelligently motivated and, aside from producing great economic outcomes for the company being bought, seem to me a real encomium to the founders.

More significantly: our surveillance is fantastically disproportionate to the lyrical encomiums we sing to our free society and democracy and so forth.

I thought the article portrayed Andreessen as an egotistical blowhard and kind of an all-around *****, with questionable skills as a visionary and investor; it certainly didn't strike me as an encomium.

I think in Xerox, they were called "toner heads".When you suck out the soul, the remaining carcass will totter on for a couple more decades, and encomiums will be written to the "well-managed" company in business magazines, but no promising undergraduates will list it as their dream job, and somehow, that's what really matters.

As the author of a recent article[0] about the joys of that very edition of that very dictionary, enjoyed at that very time of life, that contained a nasty swipe at Websters, I must say that reading this beautiful encomium to the latter work made me regret my hasty dismissal and want to go back and add a footnote.

Encomium definitions


a formal expression of praise

See also: eulogy panegyric paean pean