Ingrate in a sentence as a noun

If you don't get it, you are an ingrate fool.

At the risk of seeming an ingrate: Does LibKtx also do 3D?

What kind of ingrate files an issue on a Christmas present?

I mean, there's a word for people who slag off those who benefit them, and it is "ingrate".

Not because I think he's an lazy ingrate, just because it seems like interesting food for thought.

Is your eulogy "he was an ingrate jerk who didn't appreciate how lucky he was?

It's supposed to be fast, simple to run, and to ingrate with different ecosystems.

It will be true for someone who's entitled or an ingrate, and everyone should run fast and long away from such a person.

Do not touch them if you will rely on their service because they might suddenly disappear in an acquihire and you should have expected it, ingrate.

I don't envy you, and I appreciate the technical work you do. Few open source projects are immune from the challenges of burnout caused by ingrate users and Homebrew probably gets it worse than most.

Da Vinci's work as a field engineer impugns his character as a shiftless ingrate who laid siege to his home city that did nothing but adoring and honoring him.

He paid for a hospital, put his name on it so everyone would know, and now I can't talk **** about him and the problems his massive wealth and bewheemoth company are causing, because it makes me look like an ingrate!?

Ingrate definitions


a person who shows no gratitude