Establish in a sentence as a verb

When Redfin expands to a new area, it needs to establish an office, hire and train agents, file paperwork, etc.

But then I re-establish contact with the reality of my actual abilities and create a button which, when pressed, prints "Hello, world!

In responding to the rejection, Apple can try to establish that their inventors predated Hillis's November 2005 filing date.

To be clear about this, all human behavior has been facilitated by evolution. Our genes do not control us in a rigid and deterministic way, but our genes do establish perhaps the outer limits of the possible for us.

This is tantamount to mathematicians who create their own notation to establish proofs--such proofs can be completely unreadable to their colleagues.

Nelson came from a movie acting/storywriting/literary background, and this allowed him to establish parallels and formulate ideas that no one at the time could have done.

If you have backing from ‘top tier’ investors or a star advisor that your prospect will have heard of, use in your subject lineii.\tThe first sentence of the email must establish your credibility.

They refuse to let people pay for their services and thus establish a billing verification channel but they're asking users to put tons of important information into them with no recourse if something does happen.

Now people who were born in Taiwan can pursue their advanced education in many different countries, being well prepared by the generally excellent primary and secondary education there, and then can decide for themselves where to settle to establish a career.

Establish definitions


set up or found; "She set up a literacy program"

See also: found launch


set up or lay the groundwork for; "establish a new department"

See also: found plant constitute institute


establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"; "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"

See also: prove demonstrate show shew


institute, enact, or establish; "make laws"

See also: make


bring about; "The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth"

See also: give


place; "Her manager had set her up at the Ritz"

See also: install instal


build or establish something abstract; "build a reputation"

See also: build


use as a basis for; found on; "base a claim on some observation"

See also: base ground found