Instal in a sentence as a verb

Then follow tutorials to install a web server, etc.

Comparing JWM with Gnome3 only on memory used for a vanilla instal is weird.

Any website can trigger installation of an app via an API[2].

Makes me think that someone could sell these things at bargain prices in order to instal some kind of malware or security breach.

I can see their logic, they wanted to leverage their huge PC instal base to drag some users to their Tablet and Phone products.

For <5 people, what does this give that a Skype Group conversation cant especially as people will need to instal/use another client ?

IE a certified plumber will instal toilets that consistently flush downward.

A recent install using defaults onto a low spec netbook was basically easy.

Op is probably unaware of other things... Most script kids use rootkits that instal modified ps, ls, md5sum, etc... So you can't see the real evil files/Daemons

If you have a ruby version manager and the required version installed, your system will switch automatically.

Instal definitions


set up for use; "install the washer and dryer"; "We put in a new sink"

See also: install


put into an office or a position; "the new president was installed immediately after the election"

See also: install


place; "Her manager had set her up at the Ritz"

See also: install establish