Ephemeron in a sentence as a noun

But if you can't control the target object's finalizer, then ephemeron tables are handy for doing this.

Could anyone explain ephemerons further, maybe with examples?

Freedom of press will easily survive an ephemeron like Trump, maybe even come out stronger for the short-term tribulation.

An ephemeron removes this additional knowledge from the programmers mind.

[2] Of course, because Lua supports finalizers it's possible to detect GC without using ephemeron tables.

And you can use your own finalizer on the ephemeron table value object to detect GC, though it'll trigger one or two GC cycles behind when the key was collected.

Our novel design minimizes the number of global synchronizations necessary for collecting a deeply nested hierarchy of ephemerons.

Ephemeron definitions


anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form

See also: ephemeral