Apply in a sentence as a verb

"He did so by applying the "rule of lenity," which requires "penal laws .

They have to remember to apply these modifiers to see if the functions they want exist.

For example, apply it only to the top page at first, and reduce the number of endorsements required for display to 1.

[1]Finally, if you did not apply the goto fail update a few days ago, it's trivial to break that TLS channel and also "misconfigure" those keys.

Another option would be to apply the endorsement system only after threads have reached a certain age so as to jump-start discussions.

But seriously, be very, very careful about taking the ideas and lessons from some tiny start up and trying to apply it to anything outside of that very odd, self-referential world.

Unites [sic] States Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz said, Todays convictions should serve as a message to those involved with illegal gambling schemes that the government will apply the full weight of its resources to identify, investigate and prosecute individuals who seek to profit from offshore gambling.

I learned something new and mathematically-interesting about the natural world, the author came up with a clever hack to enliven backgrounds, and we learn how to apply that to improve our own designs.

Apply definitions


put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose; "use your head!"; "we only use Spanish at home"; "I can't use this tool"; "Apply a magnetic field here"; "This thinking was applied to many projects"; "How do you utilize this tool?"; "I apply this rule to get good results"; "use the plastic bags to store the food"; "He doesn't know how to use a computer"

See also: utilize utilise employ


be pertinent or relevant or applicable; "The same laws apply to you!"; "This theory holds for all irrational numbers"; "The same rules go for everyone"

See also: hold


ask (for something); "He applied for a leave of absence"; "She applied for college"; "apply for a job"


apply to a surface; "She applied paint to the back of the house"; "Put on make-up!"


be applicable to; as to an analysis; "This theory lends itself well to our new data"


give or convey physically; "She gave him First Aid"; "I gave him a punch in the nose"

See also: give


avail oneself to; "apply a principle"; "practice a religion"; "use care when going down the stairs"; "use your common sense"; "practice non-violent resistance"

See also: practice


ensure observance of laws and rules; "Apply the rules to everyone";

See also: enforce implement


refer (a word or name) to a person or thing; "He applied this racial slur to me!"


apply oneself to; "Please apply yourself to your homework"