Electrical in a sentence as an adjective

I'm well on Fluke's side here as a an actual qualified electrical engineer. I trust Fluke's products and have done for over 20 years.

^ I am not an electrical engineer. I am an economist, that is the best definition I can come up with.

I hope very much the industry can improve electrical safety over time. All I'm saying is, never trust Elon Musk PR to tell you the whole picture.

In retrospect that feels about right for how much weight mechanical problems are vs electrical. That $25-$30 number you site IS misleading.

We already have a beefy electrical infrastructure; we just have to keep working on that. Or ignoring issues or range and recharge times.

You are a programmer, not an electrical engineer. Wild speculation regarding a field you know little about is not attractive.

First, as others have said, if you get hit by lightning or have any sort of severe electrical shock, so see a doctor and be checked out. The reasoning here is that any of the current that passes through you will create internal burns, resulting any number of issues.

I mean, who ever managed to understand even the tiniest bit of python without mentally reducing it to the electrical patterns in the circuits of the CPU?

Before I could even begin to dare to voice opinion I would need to study CAD models, electrical and electronic diagrams and test data. I would also want to have access to representative samples of the packs for inspection.

My dad, an electrical engineer, was once on his way back from a conference with a Concorde flight full of other EEs. In the air, the stewardess asked, "Is there an engineer on board?" Everyone responded enthusiastically.

5- Cameron enumerates a number of mechanical and electrical problems. The fact is you can get a number of low cost electrical locks from China today that have reliable turning mechanisms.

The water itself is analogous to electrical charge, the pressure at the input of the pipe is similar to voltage, and the rate of flow of the water through the pipe is like electrical current. Just as with an electrical resistor, the flow of water through the pipe is faster if the pipe is shorter and/or it has a larger diameter.

Metallurgy and electrical engineering would come up for attention. And, in the process of intellectual maturing that these abstract studies gave him, he would he likely to branch out into other theoretical areas that weren't directly related to machines but had become a part of a newer larger goal.

The camera sensor needs electrical current to work. Simply place the LED inline or in parallel to the camera and you are done. Any time current is sent to the camera sensor, the LED cant help it but light up. My knowledge of electronics is limited, but I know for a fact that this can be achieved without the use of any reprogrammable microchips, with the use of a simple electrical circuit.

There were less girls in traditionally male-dominated majors like civil engineering, compared to computer and electrical engineering. Also, the majority of Chemistry students were female.

The most dangerous and stupid meme percolating in pop tech culture is that the people engaged with tech culture have a unique claim to computer science, electrical engineering, cryptography, information security, and privacy technology. The Slashdot diaspora genuinely believes that most of the world's computer engineering talent reads their comments.

They do need to be able to write short programs to automate what they would otherwise do manually, to figure out what the debug logs are really complaining about, and to understand computer systems from electrical and environmental needs through virtualization systems and configuration management. Finally, there are sysadmins who are also developers, who announce that they don't like any of the existing mail programs and so they will write a new one; who determine that there's no configuration management system that tracks and removes subsystems as cleanly as they would like, and so a new one will be needed; who write filesystems or music organizers or browser extensions because that's what they need and want and are good at.

Electrical definitions


relating to or concerned with electricity; "an electrical engineer"; "electrical and mechanical engineering industries"


using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity; "electric current"; "electric wiring"; "electrical appliances"; "an electrical storm"

See also: electric