Elation in a sentence as a noun

Works all the time.\nAlcohol doesn't bring anything to the table except a false sense of belonging and elation.

It is more like hours upon hours of confusion and drudgery sprinkled with minutes of elation "wow that worked!

And then, as with those activities, there can be a feeling of elation that accompanies that mental state of focus.

Meaning either the stress or elation of this or another potential transaction altered your writing.

I could not express my elation in words for this victory!I said it before when this trended on HN, that I hoped he would go to trial and not take a deal.

Aqua was polarizing and many of the changes were met with elation, hostility, or utter despair.

An economy where we do not need statistics since we have all the data!I simultaneously feel his elation and am mystified.

[26] Former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass described his elation when he took a paying job, declaring that "Now I am my own master.

I haven't been formally diagnosed with bipolar, but I sure as heck have many of the symptoms, including feeling elation and depression at the same time.

I'm excited for this guy's optimism, but everyone should be aware this is the typical elation you have when you start to do something new that excites you.

When we recognize our place in an immensity of lightyears and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual.

It turns out that all of those other things were epiphenomena of the ADD, parts of the vicious cycle of the upswing when you start seeing the light, elation with a new achieved high you get from some measure of success, followed by the eventual downfall and depression when you see that you are still not making headway.

Elation definitions


an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression


a feeling of joy and pride

See also: lightness