Effectiveness in a sentence as a noun

Like most techies, you're focusing on the effectiveness.

These things mean that, without a control group, the evidence in favor of a drug's effectiveness is not very strong.

Perhaps the NSA was too busy listening to innocent people's phone calls to respond?The effectiveness isn't what's at issue here, though.

There is some support for CSE-ing loads, etc, but the effectiveness of that depends heavily on your alias information.

If you tried to force the magnet close to the aluminum at speed it would resist so strongly that you never managed to smash it into it with any kind of effectiveness.

Additionally, as its an adenosine antagonist, its effectiveness skyrockets the later in the day you have it in you.

DDT was known to be losing its effectiveness as early as the 1950s because heavy use was rapidly selecting for resistance in the mosquito population.

Company hiring procedures and their effectiveness is a heavily researched topic, but most hiring managers and most job applicants haven't looked up much of the research.

This creates a captive market, severely limiting the effectiveness of inter-city competition.

In terms of game theory it is absolutely, directly in my interest to promote systems that **** the effectiveness of blanket advertising and hopefully make it become a pointless exercise.

If they really want the debate to focus on the effectiveness of these programs then they should explain why they failed so spectacularly to prevent the Boston Marathon bombings, a plot carried out by two of the most careless and naive terrorists to date.

He asks the DoD to give him options for doing more in Syria, no doubt already knowing that all the options would be high on cost and low on effectiveness and that he won't approve any of the options; but just by making public that he asked for the options he will please some voters.

Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Companys internal control over financial reporting.

Effectiveness definitions


power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an effect

See also: effectivity effectualness effectuality


capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects; "the toxin's potency"; "the strength of the drinks"

See also: potency strength