Thriftiness in a sentence as a noun

Not a reflection on their great foresight or thriftiness.

It's false savings when your thriftiness gets in the way of productivity.

If your goal is nutritious thriftiness, $2-5 per day is a very achievable goal.

Red Angus bulls are a great cross if your herd needs better carcasses, maternal characteristics, or thriftiness.

Also, no one is noting that E-Ink achieves a lot of its power thriftiness by being a reflective screen, not a luminescent screen.

Alternatively, you can throw them in the recycling bin and pay the 25 cents, but then you run into the other German religion of thriftiness.

And resource thriftiness and predictability would likely be a bigger concern.

I'm also a big fan of cardboard for its portability and thriftiness, but it is definitely a limited VR experience.

I congratulate you for your thriftiness and ecological contribution, but surely this is an extremely niche practice.

Thriftiness definitions


frugality in the expenditure of money or resources; "the Scots are famous for their economy"

See also: economy