Dusty in a sentence as an adjective

I now own a TV again, it's dusty and gets used once a month.

No, he means he lives in the third world and it is very dusty where he lives.

Your car floormats are a little dusty and the ones with the really rad flames on them just happen to be on sale!

It's routine to walk into a government office and see people limping along with 6-8 year old desktops, dusty CRT monitors with screen burn, etc...

One might miss the twisty, dusty country road in leisure time, but curse it when it's raining and the road has turned into an impassable morass.

When I got there the Taxi driver dropped me off about a 10 minute walk away and I had to walk down a dusty mud track in order to get to at the centre.

Only Tom sold the garage for quite a lot of money in 2005 but there was no stuff in it, just a dusty list of people who had left the area never to return.

In comparison, my local copies feel like those dusty old photo albums in my parents' basement that nobody ever opens.

Ended up digging out an old ethernet cable from a dusty closet and crawling under another closet to connect it to the modem.

There are "Duke rape cases" happening every day in alleys and on streetcorners of every city, and on the dusty backroads on the outskirts of nowhere.

But if we discourage the constant reexamination of these classics they will get placed on the dusty shelves and we'll see nothing but discussions of the latest gossip and bling.

It is just a PR of the existing industry trying to sell old dusty designs and their minor tweaks wrapped as the necessary component of the technological progress of the human race.

The same goes for most of the political changes we associate with modernity and progress - with the notable exception of Bevan and his peers, the people turning the wheels were mainly minor aristocrats in dusty tweed.

The point is to protect against attacks like "I found this pile of dusty drives stacked in the maintenance closet at Amazon," or "I went digging in the local dump near an Amazon data center and unearthed this hard drive, and look what I found backed up on it.

Dusty definitions


covered with a layer of dust; "a dusty pile of books"

See also: dust-covered


lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new; "moth-eaten theories about race"; "stale news"

See also: cold stale moth-eaten