Outskirts in a sentence as a noun

But I wasn't right in the city center, such as it is, but rather on the outskirts, the suburbs.

They're in the middle of the city, edges of the city, and outskirts of the city.

It's mint condition and it's in the outskirts of Barcelona.

New York varies from 110k in central Manhattan to miles low density 4k sprawl on the outskirts.

Bubba's land might be 50,000 sq feet 40 miles from DC , but many people might prefer Francois' 5,000 sq feet plot in the outskirts of Paris.

I moved my family to the outskirts of Chicagoland so we'd be really close to my kids grandma.

Even though a group might have, say, twenty to fifty members, some members tend to rule and others tend to hang on the outskirts.

Extracting error handling to the outskirts of the algorithm is a win, even if it costs a few extra lines of code.

* Even the 'traditional cities' shown will have outskirts with houses which are a pain to walk to rather than just apartments in a centre.

This may be true on the outskirts, but in the cities, China has made huge advances, especially with infrastructure, roads, railway, etc.

There are "Duke rape cases" happening every day in alleys and on streetcorners of every city, and on the dusty backroads on the outskirts of nowhere.

And even then depending on how it failed well that can actually be a positive if it was shooting for the stars and only making it to the outskirts of the solar system.

If you're in Dubai, you can go snowboarding on a ski ***** inside a shopping mall -- built by some guy who's in the outskirts of the city, sleeping in a hot tin can with 12 other guys, a broken AC, completely sore body, and sun burnt skin.

I have a feeling that the general populace of hacker news will disagree with us, but I am with you 100%.I live in a small-ish town on the outskirts of Philadelphia that happens to be in the middle of some sort of really popular biking route.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, while nominally part of several different empires prior to the 20th century, was always on the outskirts of those empires, and was never really an orderly, centrally-administered place.

Outskirts definitions


outlying areas (as of a city or town); "they lived on the outskirts of Houston"; "they mingled in the outskirts of the crowd"