Duct in a sentence as a noun

But then a piece of duct tape comes unstuck.

You say: Replace that duct tape with something more durable.

When you see a c-clamp or duct tape on the machine, you know exactly what needs workin' on next!

Developers focus on getting useful **** done, and will resort to duct tape and chicken wire if they need to.

They basically ran a duct from the front of the car all the way to the wing, with a hole cut into it by the driver's leg.

"Let's argue about whether Haskell or Clojure is better while somebody else ships products using PHP and duct tape.

Famously, the first several thousand Edison light bulbs didn't work well enough to be viable products.

It's like listening to a 5 year old who has one joke he tells over&over&over to everyone within earshot until you want to duct tape his mouth shut.

It's an afterthought by Netscape, duct-taped to a bundle of silly hacks, wrapped up in some interesting attempts to standardise, with a few more vendor-specific hacks crowbarred in there for good measure.

The real issue has always been solving the customer's problem, whether I had to dig deeply into the architecture, use fashionable high level tools, or just resort to pencil, paper, and duct tape.

Google's market strategy is to use smarts & persistence to get into markets that nobody else can enter, and then hold them by holding onto the only talent that can produce a working system with products of that complexity.

This one ends in a great hack and an even better company than the one that originally launched.† I don't think the Leaky people are shady, just that scraping hypersensitive sites is a duct-tape-and-baling-wire solution.

Take it from someone who has built many semiconductor lasers that worked so badly that it took hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of specialized equipment to learn that they worked at all: The first transistor probably didn't work very well.

Duct definitions


a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance; "the tear duct was obstructed"; "the alimentary canal"; "poison is released through a channel in the snake's fangs"

See also: canal channel


a continuous tube formed by a row of elongated cells lacking intervening end walls


an enclosed conduit for a fluid