Doorstep in a sentence as a noun

I myself am on the doorstep of my 36th birthday.

But the fact is that when the black swans show up on our doorstep, they don't seem like they're going to be black swans.

The plastic had to travel all the way down from Michigan, get on a plane, and to my doorstep.

At a previous place I lived my neighbors stole two Amazon packages from my doorstep.

The site disrupts the horrible process in the past of going through Craigslist or something similar, having no guarantees about who might be turning up on your doorstep, handling payment, etc.

A little bit of background; I grew up poor, people randomly leaving food on our doorstep poor, my parents giving the bike I had bought with my own earned money to my brother for christmas poor, moving every couple of years because my dad would make a bad enough name for himself in an entire town/city that he couldn't get a job poor.

Doorstep definitions


the sill of a door; a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorway

See also: doorsill threshold