Supervene in a sentence as a verb

> But abstract things can supervene on the physical.

There are ways perverse effects can emerge from and supervene over group selection.

They supervene on physical reality and when they attempt to deny it, will be swept away.

Information, for example, is abstract, but it supervenes on some physical stuff.

Kubrick doesn’t adapt novels so much as he adopts them as superstructure upon which his films supervene.

This is good reason to think that anything that interacts with the physical is also physical or supervenes on the physical.

I also see evidence that my consciousness supervenes on the operation of my brain, and I observe that other people have brains.

Or, as a philosopher would word it, "Mental properties supervene on physical properties.

The rational man groans as he gropes for the truth; he knows that his reasoning is no more than tentative, that other considerations may supervene to cast doubt on it.

The nuclear family is useful but insufficient given our biology; atoms alone are less useful than the higher-order molecules that supervene them.

Explanation is multifaceted: explanations of one kind are grounded-in or reduce-to or supervene on explanations of another kind.

He seems to be taking it in a slightly different direction with a focus on Bayesian-style probabilistic inference - something which may simplify the HTM framework for mainstream use. This looks promising and has considerably more funding, but there is apparently little focus on how our intelligence supervenes on our brains at Vicarious....

Biological reality itself is an implementation, or supervenes on, a fundamental material reality.

Certainly that's one way a compatibilist could put it – that "free will" is part of psychology, which ultimately reduces to/emerges from/supervenes upon lower layers of biology/chemistry/physics which may be fundamentally deterministic.

Unless you posit some kind of free-floating mind that operates magically, all mental states supervene on physical, biological processes, whether we're talking about depression or programming ability or personality or food preferences.

It is impossible to integrate these variables on the basis of available information with the dynamic physiological and metabolic conditions they produced, in order to arrive at a precise statement of time when consciousness was lost and when death supervened.

Or the more common definition: A supervenes on B if there can be no change in A without a corresponding change in B.>Eliminativists and other materialists have consistency refused to address these fundamental problemsI admit that people have reason to be frustrated with certain materialists, Dennett chief among them.

Supervene definitions


take place as an additional or unexpected development