Disfigure in a sentence as a verb

They can use books to inspire other people to ****, maim and disfigure other people.

People there are trained from a very early age in school to not destroy or disfigure things needlessly.

There needs to be a device that you can jam under your chin to disfigure your face for some period of time.

He chimes in on the break vs disfigure argument, but doesn't get into the why the nose would have special meaning.

But even moderately sized dogs can disfigure a child pretty easily.

From that altitude it can do anything from severely disfigure, paralyze or, yes, **** someone.

There were all those STDs which we can cure now with antibiotics, but back then would make you sterile, disfigure you, or make you go literally insane as you aged.

And it will not decrease as building any residential space may imply destroying an historical building and disfigure the skyline.

When it felt like their sons were being stolen away from them, the parents were willing to disfigure them in order to prevent them from being sent off. But later on, when Devshirme became prestigious and a path towards potential power or a viziership, the parents were suddenly bribing scouts to take their sons.

The difference is that in fictional works these devices might harm fictional characters, but in the real world this can maim, disfigure and blind actual people causing actual and pretty nasty suffering.

A similar bug in commenting engine only allows the attacker to damage the comments and temporary disfigure the site with straightforward recovery.

If I was asked to bet my career that my code would not **** or disfigure someone, then I'd have to answer based on what I personally believe, and what I trust my code to do based on my education as a software engineer.

Also some stuff which addresses the worries of the modern world, of course.> “The trouble with you, Spode, is that just because you have succeeded in inducing a handful of half-wits to disfigure the London scene by going about in black shorts, you think you're someone.

If you are going to fight wars, it would be far better to train more people to be the kind of psychopaths that like to disfigure corpses and carry around strings of ears, than to do 'impersonal' drone strikes, or worse still, sanctions - which sound very soft, but ultimately **** far more, and with a far more brutal selectivity, than war itself.

"To disfigure by damaging irreparably""To make imperfect by excising or altering parts">which, from what I understand are the ones that get used when cats are actually defending themselvesCats use all 4 limbs, and their mouth to defend themselves.>I have to believe that vets put down a lot of animalsNot due to overpopulation though.>And these are people that choose the career because they like animalsYou should go to a vet conference sometime, there's a whole lot of vets who have no apparent affection for animals at all.

Disfigure definitions


mar or spoil the appearance of; "scars defaced her cheeks"; "The vandals disfigured the statue"

See also: deface blemish