Disenfranchise in a sentence as a verb

Poll taxes designed to disenfranchise people who couldn't afford them.

You've got to be kidding me. Catering to one demographic does not inherently disenfranchise the other.

And I'm sure that wouldn't be used to disenfranchise some group of people[1].I think before we consider dumping the legislature, we could play with different options.

I'm sure they're thinking of doing this with talk of 'lightweight analytics' etc so long as they don't make the paid users too powerful and disenfranchise existing users.

As evidence see the story I linked to above of somebody trying to disenfranchise Florida Republicans by calling them up and telling them that they were ineligible to vote.

It is such an unpleasant possibility that expert PR firms plant absurd infographics and stories every day to promote this agenda and pay armies to downvote or otherwise disenfranchise all who question the plan.

The only way it makes for a useful method of categorization is if you're already in power and want to disenfranchise anyone without the political power within the existing system to make change, regardless of the legitimacy of their position.

While teaching and learning are admirable aspirations, and no one will dispute that, one cannot easily dismiss certain realities of modern computing history, most importantly that there are major forces at play in this field, with deliberate designs to disinform and disenfranchise end-users of the basic functionality of the devices they may purchase, with the deliberate goal of enriching corporate profit margins.

Disenfranchise definitions


deprive of voting rights

See also: disfranchise