Disfranchise in a sentence as a verb

One argument is to stop efforts to disfranchise voters.

> disenfranchised peopleIt doesn't have anything to do with "disfranchised people".

We imprison and disfranchise literally millions due to non-violent drug crimes.

[0]People are still actively disfranchised from participating in the democratic process, having their right to vote taken from them over a criminal history.

In the early 20th century, the legislature passed bills to impose poll taxes, followed by white primaries; these measures effectively disfranchised most blacks, poor whites and Mexican Americans.

I totally agree with you on this and your previous comment to me that right wingers are giving libertarianism a bad name by appropriating it to advance their agenda of screwing poor and other disfranchised groups while enriching their donors and paymasters.

Disfranchise definitions


deprive of voting rights

See also: disenfranchise