Discourtesy in a sentence as a noun

That's the signal for me to find and close whatever tab had the discourtesy of doing that.

Even in the good ones there's so much negativity and discourtesy.

If courtesy means giving undeserved benefit of the doubt, I'm all for discourtesy.

The usage is widely understood to be an intentional discourtesy.

The hiking isn't the problem, it's discourtesy, entitlement, and destructiveness that are worrisome.

That may be so, but its active usage in one social group does not justify the discourtesy of its usage, especially in a professional setting.

Of course there’s no obligation for them to obtain my permission, as their replies always point out, but that doesn’t really excuse either the discourtesy, or the fact that “this thing we do isn’t illegal” is as unedifying as justifying bigotry with "freedom of speech derrrr!

Discourtesy definitions


an expression of lack of respect

See also: disrespect


a manner that is rude and insulting

See also: rudeness


a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others

See also: offense offence