Rudeness in a sentence as a noun

"Your homepage will suck and you will have no brand"Why all the rudeness?

What are we supposed to be looking at. I've searched that entire thread for the word "stupid" and I can't find it. I also don't see the rudeness.

Because I keep seeing similar rudeness whenever I look at their mailing lists.

In the worst cases, this can mean rudeness, intolerance, and general dickishness.

Torvalds is a little harsh sometimes, but it's nothing compared to the disgusting rudeness of this rant.

His questions don't appear the least bit rude to me. They are certainly direct, which some people confuse for rudeness, but it looks like an entirely honest line of questioning.

> I'm in completely the wrong mindset about itMy friend, I think this is probably the case ... you've mistaken terseness for rudeness.

He was paid by the company to interject with quips during the demos, so any rudeness is understood by both parties.

Pardon my rudeness here but who the **** are you to make a proclamation that "Save As" has always been "dangerous and ridiculous".

All I've seen from you is rudeness, arrogance and a holier-than-thou attitude that could be summed up by the last part of your profile description.

Further, if you're in an at-all-trafficked subreddit, poor spelling, poor grammar and outright rudeness is fairly well discouraged.

If I was Steve, I'd be about as embarrassed about the idea that someone's "level of understanding" of find|sed|xargs was worth commenting about as I would about the rudeness.

>>I didn't imply that your interviewer would be ''incredibly cruel'' as in they would sneer and snicker at your age and you would encounter an environment of overt hostility and rudeness.

Obviously the uparrows aren't only for applauding politeness, so it seems reasonable that the downarrows aren't only for booing rudeness.

No, the logic goes like this: in "country X", this type of arrogant behavior is supported by the political background, while in "Sweden", there's no polical support for policeman rudeness.

Rudeness definitions


a manner that is rude and insulting

See also: discourtesy


a wild or unrefined state

See also: crudeness crudity primitiveness primitivism