Disconnectedness in a sentence as a noun

The "disconnectedness" of people seems to be a big part of the issue. This applies to many cases where we might say that things are done wrong, but people don't seem to care.

There is fatal disconnectedness. You have these squirrelly people in each department who don’t see the big picture.”

Technologies such as Skype have done a lot to prevent the disconnectedness that I thought remote work would create.

Being stoned isn't happiness, it's disconnectedness. Living a happy life isn't about that it always feels good but about that it does good.

In the real world this can lead to a feeling of disconnectedness and atrophy of skills. I didn't play long enough to see if that is truly manifest in the game.

I'm pretty solitary, so I'm hoping the disconnectedness works out okay. I wish I could draw those cartoons.

- The disconnectedness of time. The past only exists in your memories.

The disconnectedness of suburbia is at the heart of this, but essentially insoluble in the short term.

It's more the vast disconnectedness of everything in the USA that is alienating.

This disconnectedness really takes the interestingness out of solving interesting problems. By the way, if anyone knows of a list of manual trades well suited to hackers, please post it here.

A general feeling of disconnectedness? Perhaps some existential dread in there.

Loneliness is based on a feeling of disconnectedness, but what are you disconnected from? Please see you cannot be alive and disconnected, you are always connected to the rest of the universe.

Great article on the disconnectedness and short-term-ism: > She said the main thing is just that Miami was being very forward thinking. She mentioned Amsterdam, and how they were making it work, and how the Dutch were just the poster child for how this worked, and that they were sorting out a way to make this work.

I'm actually really interested in the idea of social networks becoming part of physical life and reducing our disconnectedness. When we lived in villages, everyone knew everyone.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the freedom I had when I was a freelancer and I will likely go back to that lifestyle some day but I would be lying if I didn't admit that there was a certain sense of disconnectedness I felt after all those years being on my own. I'm happy as a full time employee now and that's all that matters.

There was a period in my life where I mostly had 'engaging' friendships, but I noticed that it resulted in a certain disconnectedness from the rest of the world. I would often find myself unable to engage with the 'small talk people' or those that didn't seem to have anything in common with me for other reasons.

On it's face, it might be a reasonable response, but knowing what we know about RMS, it just shows more of his lack of humility, ability to empathize with others and general disconnectedness from the "movement" and "community". As someone might say in war time, RMS is a general for a different type of fight...

I'm thinking of cab, rikshaw drivers in India who now all have phones which is great in improving their lives but may result in disconnectedness from their communities families maybe not as much as first world countries.

I can see how the inherent disconnectedness of remote employees might make a general sense of disconnectedness worse for the onsite employees. If Yahoo! can redefine itself clearly, this "disconnectedness infection" would find a far less vulnerable host.

I've been working remote-only for a couple of months now and did rather well on those parts: Doing sports in the morning, focussed working without slacking off - luckily, I can enter „work mode” as soon as I start my timer - and mostly spending the evening with friends or my SO. However, I'm still feeling a growing sense of disconnectedness from my work and my colleagues. The feeling of „we're a team and building this together” over time changes into „annoying computer tells me to X”.

Somehow even French government officials, for all their disconnectedness and abuse of the limited resources not intended for them, or most other foreign tourists, could at least get a sense of the place, and understanding of the people, at the very worst they were aware that they did not understand everything. Wow, this is sounding very anti-American now that I'm reading this again.

* Electric vehicles should be cheaper to operate and maintain than corresponding combustion vehicles * I imagine a quadrocopter system would be easier to modularize and platformize than a helicopter system given the fair simplicity and disconnectedness of various components. This should lead to better economies of scale .

Disconnectedness definitions


state of being disconnected

See also: disjunction disjuncture disconnection